søndag 12. april 2009

Well another week has passed and I’m sitting at work, trying to think trough the week that passed so fast. Last Monday I went out with Matt’s family to celebrate his birthday at Buffalo Bill’s. First time I meet them, something that’s kind of funny sins I have known Matt for over a year now. But anyway I was really scared, I have a bad info relation ship to my one family. And even when I’m just going to meet friends family the first time I’m nervous, just think how it is with a boyfriends family. Well at least I got a good surprise, they are nice and relaxed people from what I can see. And they are actually talking to eats other with kindness and respect. Not like in my family where people talk shit and stab you in the back. Not saying that all of my family is like that, if you know me you know who I’m pointing to. Anyway his family seems to be nice and that’s good, didn’t get any of the typical questions that you normally get, something that is weary nice. That’s a BIG + for them. And it’s nice seeing a functional family for ones, that’s something that is getting pretty rear these days. But now its time to change the topic back in to party mood. On Tuesday was my last shift at the office job before 3 days off from the office. So sins Ida is in the country lets go party. So I met up with Ida, Karin, Eva and a French girl I do not remember the name of right now, but she works for Gnuf together with Eva and Karin. First me and Ida had some drinks at Hugo’s lunge, to say hi to Matt, and afterwards we went up to Passion to join the 3 others. We had a table outside near by the entrance, and we had some rum for dancing. And let’s say it like that we used it and it got noticed. After a whole lot of chott’s, the trip ended up back to Hugo’s lunge with Ida. Having some more cocktails, and talking until Hugo’s closed and then down to Native where we caught up with the others. Lets say it like this Eva and the Frenchy were playing dancing phone support and had straws as headsets, (LOL). Karin was on the box dancing by herself. And then me and Ida joined in. After a wile the others disappeared, but me Ida and Matt stayed put until 530 in the morning. Think it was time for Mike to get to close the bar. The next day Ida didn’t even remember going to native ore the 2nd visit at Hugo’s lunge. Wednesday there was work at Native for me again, it was a fun and busy evening, the only thing that spoiled it was the fact that Liverpool lost 2-0, but at least we made up for that against Blackburn 4-0 to Liverpool.

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