tirsdag 21. april 2009

Isle of MTV MALTA, SUMMER 2009

Isle of MTV details for this summer announcedPosted on April 20th, 2009 For the third consecutive year, Malta shall be hosting the Isle of MTV musical concert at the Granaries in Floriana as part of the Malta Music Week. The concert will be held on Wednesday 8th July 2009. The line-up for this year’s concert will be the Black Eyed Peas, Lady Gaga, Metro Station and Esmée Denters. The artists will play live in front of a crowd expected to top 50,000.Details were announced on Monday by Parliamentary Secretary for Tourism Dr Mario De Marco. He said that last year’s concert MTV statistics indicated that 41% of tourists interviewed said that the concert was one of the reasons they visisted the island. 99% said that Malta reached or exceeded their expectations, 80% agree that the Isle of MTV make Malta more “cool”, 85% agreed that the concert makes Malta more attractive, 83% agree that the Isle of MTV makes Malta a tourist destination and 74% agreed that the Isle of MTV makes it a must to book a holiday to Malta.MTV will broadcast in an hour-long live special airing across MTV’s pan-European network in September. Dr De Marco said that Malta was proud that for the third time running, the islands would host such a high-profile musical event.Malta Tourism Authority CEO Josef Formosa Gauci said that the MTA would be promoting the event and offering packages which include flight, accommodation and tickets to the Malta Music Weekend which will cover 3rd to 8th July 2009.

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