tirsdag 28. juli 2009

Going around in a circle, trying to cut it.

Last week my mother came down to Malta, so the focus have been, mum and work. Je that’s right this is how my days have been, get up to go to work be at the office at 9 – 13, go spend mum time back to work at 19 – 23. Have a drink at Hugo’s so I can see my loved one, and home to sleep. That’s how my days have been basically. Wednesday we had dinner with Matt’s old ones and went to Dingly for a supper picnic to see the sunset. And when we were leaving we could hear the dolphins sing. Too bad we could not see them at that time (To dark). The next days we spent in the pool relaxing and on Sunday we went sailing :) And on This morning I had to get mat to the doctor, because somebody cut his finger really badly at work. So je I was driving his car. I do have to admit that it was a bit scary. I been here for 3 years and refused to drive. But at least I know I can handle it if I have to. And I still believe they drive on the wrong side of the road.

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