torsdag 11. desember 2008

Not exactly how I planed it.

Let’s say it like this, last weekend was a rush.
It all started out in a nice and relaxed manner. Saturday morning 9am I get up after a good night sleep J Have a warm bath, get ready and leaves the apartment. My plans for the day is to deliver a DVD have breakfast, and pass by the dive shop ( to give matt his Liverpool supporter mug, and then off to work. And after work I was suppose to go straight home to bed, sins I am finishing work at 10pm, and have to be back in the office at 07:45 am the next day. (Tat by the way is a Sunday.)
This is how far the plan worked, It’s a nice sunny Saturday morning, I do manage to deliver the DVD. But then I bump in to Luke outside the DVD rental place. Luke is from New Zealand, and is the manager of Olde Keg, a smaller Rock bar in the aria.
Well lets say it like this, It’s not often you can find both me and Luke outside in the sun awake before 12am, and not on the way to sleep. So there my perfect plan goes down the drain.
I end up having breakfast with Luke at this 24h open café/restaurant.
Trust me they have some of the best breakfast around the aria. So I end up sitting there chatting with Luke until I have to get my lazy ass to work.
Don’t really have a loot to say regarding work, apart from when I left the office I had changed my mind regarding staying inn. It was the x-mas party with work. Ok, ok I know its 10pm and the dinner is finished, but way not come over and say hello.
That’s probably the most stupid thing I could have don.
Let’s say it like this, a little bit off dancing and a couple of drinks later, and suddenly it was 5am in the morning. What exactly happened in the time between work and 5am I’m not entirely chore about. All I know is that me and some friends was talking after the bar had closed, and then suddenly my hand bag was gone.
Shit, shit, shit, Visa, Phone, I-Pod, keys, a sweeter and some DVD’s gone. Lets say it like this around €700 gone, POOOOF.
So then it’s down to the police station, there they refuse to file a report sins I didn’t have my Passport on me. How bloody hard is it to understand, MY BAG GOT STOLEN AND MY KEYS WAS IN IT SO I CANT GET HOME AND GET MY PASSPORT YOU BLODY NUM NUTS!!!!!! Not happy not happy at all. And then I had to hurry to work Jei. No sleep no bag not how I planed it. Well, well finaly after 36 hours I got my key from Cesco. Thank good I gave you a key, if not I would have had even bigger problems then I did.
Anyway a good weekend over all.
And by the way, If I insulted anyone this weekend , SORRY.

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