lørdag 11. juli 2009

Finaly a update sorry:/

Let see what have been going on lately.
Let’s say allot have happened sins last time I updated this blog. Sorry not been weary good with the hole updating thing. Something we can thank the fucking queen bee beatche for. Not mentioning names ore anything, just to stay on the safe side. Not trying to let here have a wailed reason to dislike me I do like it better when I can hate here and rub my success in to her face. No don’t worry I’m still with my beloved Matt. No she just had to kick me out of my job for the 2nd time. Dame can’t that woman find something better to do then to become my boss, and the kick me out on the street? Well so then I was without a job again thanks to here, and just some days later my grandmother died and I had to take a week back to Norway. Matt came along being the perfect gentleman. Pore boy, the first time he gets to meet my family is in a funeral. At least its an easy way to see them all :/ , Well while we were in Norway we had some nice sunny days at least and did some hiking in the wood’s and played around with the dog for a bit. Matt’s favorite activity must have been making fire-wood . LOL his so sweet. Then I came back to Malta and started working full time in the bar again. After a short wile I got a new job as Norwegian CRM for a online company. So there is more then info for me to stick my fingers inn to. Too bad I don’t have a lot of free time these days but hopefully it is worth it. Went to the MTV concert last Wednesday by the way. Got to go see youJ

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