mandag 8. desember 2008



Well finally I found some time to write on this thing.
First of all let’s do a smaller introduction.
I am from Norway and I live and work in Malta.
Malta is this little country that you hardly can find on the map, just some hours by boat away from Sicily (Italy).
I work full time for the moment as a Support agent, par time as a Bartender and part time as a Dive master.
This blog will mainly be about the things happening in Malta and the other places I go. So if you are going to Malta at some point have a look there may be some good party’s you can attend to.


Well last week was a pretty interesting week.
I had my first holyday this year. Yes my first one in 2008, better late then never right? Anyway the trip started by getting on a plane from Malta to London Luton. That was the easy part. So I landed on the outskirts off London at around right before midnight, and there was only one thing to do. Wait, wait and wait some more. My train is not leaving before 07:13 in the morning. The first ting I did notice when getting of the plane is that it’s bloody cold; I do know I am from Norway, but I have been living in Malta for 2,5yeares now. So I decided to just stay at the airport for some hours, and thank good I did.
Well 21 hours after arriving at the airport in Malta I finally did it, I’m in Liverpool and Nora is waiting for me. All I can think about is a nice shower and a warm and soft bed.
So one bus ride and some food later I finally get my self in to bed.
When I finally get my self out of bed again It’s time to party. It’s Mikey’s B-day.
So it was Noodles for dinner, the proper student food. (By the way most of my friends in Liverpool is Students.) After words its time to get reedy for the party, it’s a Greas party, and we all need to dress up in Greas costumes. So vile getting ready we have some glasses of proper Bombay Gin with some slices of lemon and a dash of tonic. Then we jump in to a cab that takes us to some club where we meet up with the others. Can’t say the alcohol selection in that place is the best in the world, even my fridge has a better selection. But apparently cider and beer is the big thing here and not spirits. After that we go of to the RAZ, everyone says it’s the biggest student hang out in town. For Kist sake the plays is over filled, and you can hardly walk. The selections of spirits are even worse in here. The “fancy” house drink is called a fat frog. It contains to plastic pint glasses where they pore in one Smirnoff ice, one WKD blue and one WKD orange. The result is to pint’s of something with a synthetic greenish color taste and smell. After buying drinks its time to dance, its harder to do then it sounds like (And that coming from a person that knows how o dance better then walk). The dance flour is packed but still its fun, if you look away from my hares criticize of the place so long it’s a lot off fun. They just got a ton of people into one basement and they have one thing in common. They are mostly drunk and wants to have fun.
The night ends up in a cab, its time to sleep.

The next day we are spending at home in front of the TV, it’s cold outside and staying inn on the sofa with some tea and a blanket seams more tempting then leaving the house. And Nora has to study. Nora’s project of studying will get a 10 in style 1 in work and a 0 in result. She gets distracted by msn, Facebook and other things online all day. In the evening we decide to jump on the buss again and head down to the city. We are heading for the cinema, and that results in Nachos J Jei.
After cinema its time to try out the locale sushi place. The style aren’t the typical Japanese style. There is this funky looking orange plastic lamps hanging down from the sealing everywhere. The décor is very futuristic and here they do the hole sushi bar thingy, whit the pick a plate when it goes in front of you concept.
So it’s a funny change from the sit down order Principe that I am used to.
The service is good, the sushi is a bit different from the one I’m used to but its still good. After sushi its time for a walk, and Nora is running around all this Beatels stuff that is all around. But it’s a bit to cold for walking around in town, and its time for a drink. We walk down to the old harbor ore something like that. The atmosphere down by the water is classy and relaxed on a Tuesday evening, and it’s the perfect place to relax and talk.
Next day is shopping time, and one of the priorities is the Liverpool supporter shop.
Apart from that they have a wide range of different stores and it’s hard to get lost, so you should be able to find your way back.
The next day we decide to have a Star buck’s breakfast, and run around in the city.
It’s a bit cold but that is England, at last it’s warmer then Norway this time of year.
We pas by Ann Summers to buy costumes for the naughty Santa party, that’s gone bee later this month. Later on the day we are back home getting reedy for a last night out before I leave town. The night contains of bar hoping, something Liverpool is grate for. A night that was suppose to be a quiet and short night, ends up in a longer drunken one. The last place we end up in is definitely my favorite in Liverpool for now. It’s called Crazy House and is nicely placed on Wood Street.
The next morning we are waking up with a hang over and have to hurry to the train station so I can get on my train. 12 hours later I’m back in Malta and its time to sleep.

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